

This should be a greeting card : )



Here are a few more pics of Cyrus!


new pics!

here are some new pictures of me. Mom didnt find her camera but she did borrow grandma's. woohoo! comments on these soon..



mom and i carved pumpkins with uncle Joshie! It was lots of fun, but mom wouldnt let me use the knife : (
I'm growing really fast, and have three bottom teeth now. I can even take a few steps on my own (arent you proud?) today, I said daddy for the first time. needless to day, dad cant stop grinning! mom still cant find her camera, but she got a few pictures from grandma. enjoy!


Good morning!

Hey guys! Sorry mom hasnt posted anything in awhile. Things have been pretty crazy with work and no one has really been taking pictures.
My teeth are comin in really fast. I have four on top and two on the bottom. Be careful if you put your hand near my mouth-you might not get it back!

I'm talking more and more. Oh, and I learned how to scrunch my face up and hiss like a snake. It seems to be pretty useful for a number of things. A. to make mom and dad laugh. B. to express my dislike of something. C. To enhance my cuteness still more.

Mom's trying to come up with a cool Halloween costume for me. If you have any ideas, speak up!
Here are some new pics. they're actually from a few weeks ago so you cant see my new teeth yet.


Pictures of you, pictures of me..

Sorry I don't have any more photos. The paparatzi have been too busy stalking Miley Cyrus to bother with me.

Mom says she'll try to post more soon...



Hi guys!
Here are some more pictures of me performing various gravity defying acts. Or at least looking ridiculously cute.

I'm showing off my one handed standing skills here.

Want to bake a cake, anyone?


Look mom! One hand!

Dad and I love Ritz Crackers. Mmm!

I almost forgot about this toy. Its pretty awesome. Look, I can stand with it now!



Hi loyal readers!
I have two teeth now. I'm cutting more though. I have been standing all by myself, but falling and hitting my head quite frequently. That's the breaks, I guess.

Here are some more pictures to enjoy.

Shush Dad!! It's my turn to talk!!

I love Daddy : )



Polly want a cracker?


Can you see them?

nah nah nah!

Hello all! Sorry I haven't gotten to post anything new in a long time. Here are some pictures of my new teeth, and my new favorite thing to do-stick my tongue out at people!

Mom will post more updates soon, as soon as she gets to use the internet again.




Hi everyone!
I had a great vacation in Leavenworth WA last week. There was lots of sunshine, and mom says I'm she's jealous of my tan!

I was excited to head out. This is my favorite blanket EVER.

I hung out in the hammock. It was sooo to watch the trees while mom swung me...

I showed off my crawling skills.

This was the view from the deck. Pretty gorgeous, huh?


New pictures!

Hello to all of my fans!
I've been busy lately, and haven't been able to post anything. Currently I'm at grandma's house stealing her internet.

Here I am on the fourth of July, looking quite patriotic. Still haven't gotten that crawling thing down yet...

I love my new sweatshirt! Mom wouldn't let me take pictures for some reason...

This is my signature look. I think I represent all babies with that open mouth please-feed-me-before-I-start-screaming look.

Portland has found the sunshine! Mom and I have been swimming in the pool, and I LOVE splashing around. This, of course, is the unavoidable swim suit shot. Look! I'm sportin' cool shades!

Peace out, yo.



mom hasn't posted anything in awhile because her internet isn't working. pictures soon!



Apparently that weird guy who used to have cool hair died yesterday.
Here I am doing my best Michael Jackson impression.
How do you like my nicely choreographed arm movements?

This is my "I'm too kewl for skewl" look.
Don't worry, I don't have a big head about it.
As Zoolander says "there's more to life than being really really ridiculously good looking"

I agree, Ben Stiller. But looking good sure helps! ; )



I had a grand time in the big city today!
Mom and I rode the max, met all sorts of interesting people and even managed to have lunch with Auntie Abbie.

All in all, quite spectacular. I give it ten grunts of approval.


A day in the life...

This morning began with my usual ab crunch and push up routine.
I make looking good look so easy!

(Yes, you can see my little booty. Mom thought this was cute, apparently).

Next, I ate some tasty prunes. Dad said I was a messy eater for some reason. And he wouldn't let me hold the spoon. Maybe next time?

I got this brilliant plan while playing with Dad. (Don't worry Grandma, dad didn't leave me for even one second while I was looking out the window) As I contemplated the trees, an idea struck me...

Surprise! Baby in a box!

I gave mom a good scare. See my mischievous little grin? Yeah, that's for a reason.

Tune in next time to see me try to crawl. Its not a pretty sight.



I discovered that I love eating fresh strawberries.
Seriously, try them. Delicious!
Today was Uncle Josh's birthday so we all went over to celebrate with the family. It was a blast! Mom forgot the camera though, so we don't have any pictures : (
here's one of me and my Uncle, chillin' with some tunes. He's pretty cool!
Gotta run, but I'll post more pictures soon!



So far my teeth have been a real pain in the posterior. : ( I haven't even seen them yet, but my gums are turning white and I've been making this face often...

I got to see my Great Great Grandma Nonni the other day. She was pretty taken aback by my cuteness!

Great Grandma Patty got a new car, and I had fun driving it with grandpa. It goes FAST!

Dad got a new hair cut the other day. I think he looks pretty great! (picture coming soon...) Auntie Jordyn and I love playing in the Hammock when its sunny out. She's a pretty awesome Auntie!
